We all meet people in life who we immediately know will impact upon us. In a good way. In a way that enables profound changes.
Julian Daley. Julian was the birth seed of this idea. A weekend at my home in beautiful Herefordshire countryside. Bring four people from London. Four strangers into a rural setting and do what I do. Coach, talk and inspire.
The reality is that once you create the right environment and a little structure, the group does that. The experience reached way beyond my expectations.
Friday evening was the first meeting of all involved. After brief introductions nothing draws people together more than food. Especially when it is supreme food served with the wonderful generosity and hospitality of Thai. I am indebted to Thai on Wye in Hereford for doing such a wonderful job.
Satiated with good food and conversation, what better way to end the evening than watching the stars from a hot tub. There is very little light pollution here at Wormbridge. The weather was a little cloudy so we didn’t see the very best of displays, but still it never ceases to leave you in awe.
Saturday was a 5.00am start. Early bird and all that. Such a lot to do in a little space of time. Fortunately for us, time slows here in Herefordshire, and we took full advantage of it. Learning to slow down in order to speed up getting things done! In other words, slowing yourself down inside. Settling into the pace of the natural surroundings, coupled with high intensity training gives a tremendous mix of emotions, thought and chemical releases in the body. The result of which is a path to who we are and what we are.
The weekend journey to a discovery of how our body and emotions drive or restrict us.
We were joined by the expertise of Regan Duggan who was yet to play a vital role in the weekend. He just didn’t know it yet!
They say an army marches on it’s stomach and that the way to a man’s heart is through his belly. Well, I have found healthy and hearty eating sustain a quicker pace of change. Contributory, I believe, to Regan, on his arrival, believing the group were all friends of long and knowledgeable pasts. What can be done in a short period of time.
Saturday was a long day with a morning four mile walk and a trip to the Black Mountains in the evening. Sunshine, rain, stunning views, Peregrine falcons, rainbows and castles. Images and experiences which will stay with the group. A long day finished at 23:15 officially. More talking and learning continued.
Sunday 5.00am. Understandably a little less zest to get up from the group; once up, it was all systems go.
The main part of the day was the trip to my gym as Chaos Hereford Muay Thai. We spent an hour doing Muay Thai Boxing followed by an hour of street defence and technique. The purpose being to observe and act upon theory and lessons all had learnt over the weekend.
Inevitably things end, and the group were set to say their goodbyes. Four strangers who quickly became friends. A group of people involved in a deep experience, Wiser, stronger, knowing that they have counsel and expertise of colleagues who shared a time together that will have a deep, lasting effect.
As far as I am concerned, the Julian Daley HERO experience was a great success. I witnessed people leave almost as if they had shape shifted. The relaxation of facial muscles had become visibly evident. Relaxed in body, yet full of drive and passion to make big, positive changes in their lives.
This was their beginning. They have thirty days of habit changing ahead and a lifetime of looking back on where it began.
Deep appreciation goes to Julian Daley, my co-creator; Regan Duggan, the Yin of my Yang approach; Thai on Wye for amazing food; and my beautiful wife and amazing hostess who worked so hard to make this a reality, Kate Thomas-Jones.
If you wish to experience a life-changing weekend, contact Garry on 07818 508763 or email garryjonescoaching@gmail.com.